Drive Further & Save Gas
Simply put, if you own a vehicle the following Insider Report will reveal a variety of tips to help you drive further on the same tank of gas. It might surprise you to know that just one of the following tips will save you over $200 (and that's an Ontario Government approved statistic!) So, if you're looking to beat the rich gas companies, or simply looking to save some cash - read on.
Instructions For Use:
In order to make the most out of this Special Report:
Skim once, read again
You might skim this Special Report first, but then read it carefully... Each tip puts cash into your pocket every time you drive your vehicle.
Keep an open mind
What I'm about to reveal will likely go against most of what you 'thought' you knew. Keep an open mind and look beyond your original ideas. Keep in mind who was responsible for the original ideas you held - it was most likely the fuel company!
Fuel Saving Tips
Buy gas at the best time of the day
Gas is measured and sold by volume. During the heat of the day, gas expands. By filling your tank when it's cooler (at night or in the morning), you get more gas for the same price.
Don't pay with a debit card
Pay your gas with a credit card (not a debit card) that offers a cash-back incentive. Doing so consistently will put extra gas into your car FREE... that's FREE gas without sacrifice.
Save gas in city traffic
Most traffic lights in cities are timed to go "green" when you travel at the posted speed limit. When you're stopped, your engine uses gas, killing your fuel economy. It's better to go slower and hit green lights than starting and stopping.
Gain fuel mileage on hills
This may sound obvious, but when your vehicle travels down hills, your car's engine actually slows your car (and uses a lot more gas) compared to shifting into neutral. If you have one of those fancy computer's in your vehicle that tracks your fuel economy as you drive, watch it skyrocket when you drive down a hill in neutral gear.
Squeeze gas savings from your tires
By far, the fastest and easiest way to drive more on the same tank of gas is to keep your tires properly inflated. Don't rely on your eyes. You should consider buying a tire gauge. Check your tires monthly and when they're "cold", that's less than an hour or so of driving. Under inflated tires hug more of the road and in some cases consume up to 25% more fuel because of it!
Bonus tip #1:
When replacing warn tires, consider buying radial tires... on average, you get an extra couple of free kilometres of driving for every 80Km.
Bonus tip #2:
Have your mechanic rotate your tires every time you change your oil... The cost is minimal and it evens out the wear on your tires.
Bonus tip #3:
Keep your car aligned. When your vehicle is off alignment by as little as a 1/4", it takes an couple of Km's to drive 80. Misalignment also causes uneven tire wear an possibly irrevocable tire damage or 'scalping' (going out of round). You'll know if it's happened because you'll hear a 'thump, thump, thump' coming from the tires as you accelerate. Get your car aligned every 6 months - prices vary from shop to shop, but expect to pay between $75 and $100. It's a small price to pay compared to a new set of tires (which will easily run you $500+)
Drive faster on windy days
If you fly you probably know it's faster to fly one direction than another -- the tailwinds literally push you along -- giving the plane extra FREE distance.
The same is true with your car... by driving "with the wind", you'll drive further on the same amount of gas than driving "into the wind." (Less resistance)
Knowing which way the wind is blowing is as simple as looking at flags or watching the ripples in a body of water.
While traveling in the same direction, the wind is your friend, however driving into the wind is your enemy. Even worse, the faster you drive into the wind, the harder your engine has to work to keep the speed you're looking to achieve... and that requires more gas.
Wind resistance has minimal impact when you're driving up to 60 Kilometres per hour. But when you're driving into the wind and travelling about 100 Kilometres per hour, your car can use up to 25% more gas to maintain your speed - more on a very windy day.
Save gas with your left foot
Do you know anyone that 'rides the brake' pedal? By resting your foot on the brake, it makes your engine work a little harder than it needs to (this naturally means the engine uses more gas). By eliminating this bad habit, you'll not only save gas, you'll also extend the life of your brakes too.
Never stop the pump on zeros
One odd thing people do is top off their fuel tanks to make the price they pay end in zeros... but doing so is actually more expensive... here's why:
In older cars, you run the risk of having a full tank of gas slosh into the street via an overflow valve. Obviously, that's a waste, damages road surfaces, and is also dangerous.
In newer cars, the gas system is "sealed" and any overflow ends up in your evaporation system (found near your cars engine). Some of that overflow does return to your gas tank, but some doesn't.
Simply fill your tank until the pump clicks off - no waste.
Don't drive a near-empty tank
There's one big reason why driving on a near-empty tank wastes gas: The sludge factor
Gas is not perfect... that's why your fuel line has a filter... to block water and particles from entering your engine.
Your car's fuel hose enters your fuel tank just above the bottom. That's because condensation (water) and unwanted pollutants are heavier the gas in your tank and they sink to the bottom.
When you run your car near empty, that 'dirtier fuel' can make it's way into your engine reducing efficiency. Obviously, that's something you want to avoid.
Fill it half empty
It's best to fill your car when it's about half full to reduce condensation and evaporation.
Don't carpool
Adding weight to your vehicle is a fuel economy killer. The more your vehicle weighs, the more gas you need to compensate. And when you carpool with a friend, that's added weight and your engine works harder than driving solo.
Don't carry stuff in your car that you don't need - extra weight means reduced fuel economy. And when you're driving in colder weather, always remove icicles and snow... you'd be surprised how much weight you can save.
Avoid gas stations near heavily traveled highways
They're often "zoned" for higher pricing. Instead, drive a few Kilometres away and you'll often save a bundle.
Warning: High octane gas is not necessarily better for your car...
It's better for the gas and oil companies because it's more profit for them, however it's very unlikely to get you higher gas mileage. Here's why:
Higher octane gas might do a better job eliminating knocking or pinging within your engine, but even that's debatable these days because late-model cars use onboard computers to adjust for knocking and pinging.
If your vehicle is knocking or pinging, it's probably a signal that your engine needs a tune up.
Some vehicle owners use higher-octane gas to "treat" their cars... a better treat for you car is to change your oil and filter every 5,000 Kilometres.
Regularly service your vehicle
According to a recent study conducted by the government of Ontario, regularly servicing your vehicle improves your fuel efficiency by at least 10%
For a typical family vehicle that means a fuel saving of at least $200 per year!
Fact Or Fiction - You Decide!
When it comes to gas, there's always unanswered questions:
Air conditioning vs. windows
If you're driving a late-model vehicle (newer car), odds are good it's aerodynamically designed for maximum fuel efficiency. When you're driving fast (over 60 Kilometres per hour) lowering your windows instead of turning on the air conditioning, creates a drag effect. That's like attaching a parachute to the back of your vehicle. And as you drive faster, the drag on your vehicle increases.
Older vehicles aren't as aerodynamically "endowed" -- open windows or not... so the horsepower needed to cool you car significantly lowers your fuel mileage.
Bottom line on air conditioning:
If you're driving up to 60 Kilometres per hour, driving with open windows is better for your fuel mileage than turning on your air.
If you're driving faster than 60 Km, and you're in a late-model vehicle, it's actually better to use air conditioning instead of cooling off with your windows down.
If you're driving an older vehicle, it's always better to skip the air.
Bonus tip #1:
The most efficient way to cool off is to use your vehicle's in dash vent system.
Bonus tip #2:
Turn off your air a few minutes before you final arrival... your car keeps it's comfort, and you'll gain fuel economy at the same time.
Bonus tip #3:
If you drive a pickup truck, removing the tailgate (and replacing it with a safety mesh) offers significant fuel savings.
Bonus tip #4:
Do you have a sunroof? Sorry, keeping it open is a huge drag on your fuel mileage.
The "air vs. window" debate never ends... everyone has a different opinion on what's better.
The truth about STP gas additives
Gas additives... you're either a believer or you're not.
But here's one un-debatable fact about gas additives... they're all designed to clean your vehicle's engine from the accumulation of "junk"... when you're running clean, your vehicle optimizes gas use.
Bonus tip:
When you read the directions on the gas additive, you'll see that it treats a certain amount of gas. When you figure out the numbers, you'll realise it's quite expensive to 'treat' each litre of gas. In most cases you'd need to increase your fuel consumption many times over to break even and cover the cost of the treatment.
A Better Idea...
Use gas additives during colder weather and clean your engine from the adverse affects of "Winter" gas. And regular servicing by a professional is an even better idea.
Save gas with cruise control
Here's another myth... cruise control uses more gas. (False!) Enabling your cruise control on the open highways and on long trips actually increases your fuel economy. The cruise control's computer is much more efficient keeping a steady speed than even the best drivers. Exception: Cruise control hasn't been perfected for driving uphill.
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